Sunday, June 21, 2015

Delicious Meatball Recipe!

Howdy guys!
I got a brand new recipe for yall!!
I randomly decided to try it and give it ago, and boy let me tell you...THE best meatballs I have ever had! No doubt!
They are incredibly tasty! They have so much flavor! They are just perfect! 
I honestly hope you give this recipe a go because you will NOT regret it! 
If you decide to give it a go, please let me know how it went!!! 
Alright! Now, the recipe!
You will need: 
- 1 LB of ground beef, you can use ground turkey if you'd like, we personally like beef!
- 3 or more diced garlic cloves
- 1 Cup or more of grated or shredded Parmesan cheese
- 1 Teaspoon or more of Italian seasoning
( you can find it at any grocery store, where the spices are, ours cost less than a dollar)
- 1 Egg
- 1/2 Cup of bread crumbs
- 1 Teaspoon of pepper flakes
- 1/2 Teaspoon of garlic salt
( We love garlic! Therefor we add a lot of garlic)
-3 or more cups of Vegetable oil
- Your choice of tomato sauce or pasta sauce.
(we use a pasta sauce that comes from a jar, BUT I add my own flavors to it, I play with the flavor it)

You need a big bowl to mix all the ingredients together. In a big bowl you will add the ground beef, the diced garlic, the Parmesan, Italian seasoning, the egg, bread crumbs, pepper flakes, garlic salt and mash it together and make about 1 inch or bigger meatballs. Once the meatballs are done, set them aside and get a pan deep enough to fry the meatballs. Add more or less oil than I did. Add enough oil that a meatball is halfway covered in oil. Make sure the oil is hot, before you put in the meatballs. Once the oil is hot, add the meatballs and fry them and turn them around as needed. They will start to turn a brownish color, and make sure to check the inside so it is fully cooked. In other pan get your pasta sauce and either leave it like that or play with the flavor of the sauce. Once all the meatballs are cooked drain them on a paper towel and add them to the sauce. Let them sit in the sauce for about 10-15 minutes. When they are done, you can add them to some pasta, eat them by themselves or you can make meatball subs like we did!
It really is up to you! I hope you will recreate this recipe, make it your own and give it a try!
It is super easy and delicious!

Hope yall give it a try and like it!
XOXO- Steph

Friday, June 19, 2015

Outift of The Day!- Summer Edition

Howdy guys!
So I have a new outfit of the day!
Who is excited?! I sure am.
Well, my outfit is very chill, very comfy...COMFY!
Since I just had surgery, I am trying to wear comfy clothes that do not cause tightness on my chest, since it was on my chest. I also cannot wear normal bra's for a little while, NO I DID NOT GET A BOOB JOB. Long story short, I had to get a lump removed....again! Get y'alls boobies checked PLEASE. Do not think it cannot happen to you... it can. 
Any who, I will make a blog post about that later on but we are here to see the outfit, right?!
 Okay, so what I have seen is those loose beach-y pants that are very loose and fit any body type! I love them!!!!!
Here is how I styled mine<3
Shirt: Ross
Pants: Marshalls
Wedges: Target

Hope yall liked it!!!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

MAKEUP TUTORIAL-Brown smokey eyes!

Howdy guys!
Sorry I am slacking on my blog post, recently had surgery so I am trying to get myself all better and ready to go! 
With that said, when I feel good and up to it, I try to work on new blog posts!
So, who is excited for a makeup look! 
Like finally!!!
I hope y'all like it<3

Here we go......Products I used:
(in order)

The look:
I used NYX Milk Jumbo eye pencil on my lids and blended it with my finger. I used it as a base before I use any shadow on my lids, I like it, it works great and makes the colors pop! I then used MAC's Eyeshadow in Vapour, 3/4 of my lid and on my brow bone. I then used the Beauty Gems palette, I used mainly browns (this palette does not have names of the eyeshadow, I apologize:(!) Moving on, I used the shadow on the fourth row on the left on my crease and blended it. I then used, the chocolate darker brown color on the corner of my eyes, and blended it with the other color. I kept doing that back and fourth until I achieved the color I wanted. Remember to blend, blend and BLEND! You do not want to have harsh lines, you want nice blended creases and edges! So...KEEP BLENDING!!!! lol I then brought what was left on my brush down towards my lower lash line, to give it a more smokier look! I then curled my lashes, added some mascara. I used two mascaras they are listed above!!! and added mascara to my top and bottom lashes. I then filled my brows just a little with the chocolate dark brown from the palette. After that was done, I used Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Gel to set my eyebrows. Cause homegirl has some thick, crazy brow hairs! lol I then used Maybeline's Fit me Matte+Poreless Foundation in shade 130 Buff Beige. Then I used a mixture of two blushes from the Covergirl instantcheekbones palette. I used the left color and middle color and added them to my cheeks. Once I was done with my cheeks, I added some lipgloss!! YES GIRL or GUY!! I used Revlon 220 Fuchsia Finery and on top of that only in the middle, I used MAC's Lipglass in Viva Glam. And the look is complete<3 

Sorry the lighting is a bit off, I am not at home. I am in a different state so it is a bit off! SORRY! The next two photos below have better lighting but they were taken from my Iphone! Holler! haha

Hope y'all liked the look, I know I did!!!<3

OH and check out this awesome mirror I got at Target for 16.99!! And I brought it with me on my travels! Double sided, plus who does not love the lighting on it!!!! AHH best purchase ever!