Sunday, August 2, 2015

Quick and Easy Dinner: Alambres

Howdy guys!
Y'all this year has been so hard!
We have gone through everything you can imagine.
So, please bare with me on my blog post and all that. 
Any who, this recipe is great! it is so easy! And relatively cheap!
And let me just say this....I LOVE CHEAP DINNERS, but I also like delicious dinners! it has to taste good, it is all about flavor for me.
So you will need:
 -Sausage (any type or flavor you want)
- 2 Large bell peppers
- 1 Medium sized onion
- 1 Package of bacon (we like smoked apple wood bacon, semi thick)
- 1 Package of bamboo sticks

 After, you chop all your veggies and meat, whatever size you want... you are going to start putting them onto the bamboo sticks. My tip: start off with bell pepper, onion, bacon, sausage, and repeat! I say that because as it starts to cook and the flavor from the bacon and sausage will go start to go down and really season and flavor up the veggies! It gives it a nice smoked flavor! Okay, enough I am starting to drool! LOL but just stack them up however you want. After you do that, set them aside and get a nice pan and start to grill them. Grill them until you see that they are pretty much done, I personally like them a little burnt but that is me. Once you grill all of them, set them aside again, and start the oven for 350 degrees. I personally grilled them and after put them in the oven because I wanted to make sure they are cooked 110%. They came out so good! Get some corn tortillas and just eat the mixture in the taco, and oh Lord it tastes so good! But you can also grill them on the grill! That works too and make some rice and beans! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! But its all up to you:) so give it a try! you'll love them!!!!!

Thank you for checking out my blog!
I hope you enjoyed my post! And will give my recipe a try!
XOXO- Steph

Also please check out my Youtube Channel to watch other fun stuff!

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