Saturday, July 9, 2016

Burrito Bowls!!! Better than Chipotle!

Okay yall I am back!
And ready to roll!

Okay quick recipe that you NEED to know!
So we all know Chipotle and Free birds is the thing going on, correct?
Well, I no longer to to Chipotle due to the ecoli problem they had, I just do not trust them. Plus it is quite expensive! But anyhow here is my recipe for my burrito bowl which is so inexpensive.

You will need:
Tomato Sauce
Canned Corn
Canned Black beans
3 Tomatoes
Vegetable Oil
Mexican Sour Creme
Mexican Cheese 
*****NOT THE KRAFTS MEXICAN STYLE CHEESE!!!Actual mexican cheese like asadero, or something!
Knorr Chicken Bouillon 
Garlic powder
Chicken breast
southwest chicken that is cooked and ready to eat from Walmart, by the salad kits! That is what i used since i do not like to cook chicken hah!

Okay so to make the mexican rice! or arroz rojo, you will need to put about two tablespoons of vegetable oil, and sautee one cup of rice. Keep stirring the rice, until it gets nice golden brown. DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM THE RICE. Once it is a nice golden brown color, add one small can of tomato sauce (that has no seasoning, just tomato sauce) and let the rice soak the tomato sauce. Stir the rice and add two cups of water. How many? TWO. Two cups of water per one cup of rice. Stir, and add about two to three tablespoons of Knorr Chicken Bouillon and the garlic powder. I would say about one tablespoon garlic powder, it really depends on how you like it. Stir and let it reach a boil, once it reaches a boil turn it down to a low head and put the lid on the pot. Do not open it until you see their is no longer water in the rice. And once it is done, fluff with a fork. And your rice is DONE!
You will add the rice, one can of corn, black beans and diced up fresh tomatoes, cilantro (either chop it up nice and fine, or leave it whole, its up to you) and squeeze ONE lemon in the mixture. You could add some chopped jalapeno but I chose to have a jalapeno toreado. Let me explain. Before you make the rice with the oil on the pan you will wash and put the jalapeno in the pan. You will let it crisp up and cook in the oil. You will hear it pop and all that, and that is okay. Once that is done. Remove it and start making your rice. I put my jalapeno in my rice when i added the water and all that, to give it a nice spicy flavor to the rice. And when I added the rice to the mixture, I left the jalapeno in there. It was so good yall!!! So once everything is mixed and it tastes good and all that, put a nice serving in your bowl and add the sour creme and the mexican cheese! And my oh my it makes a world A WORLD of a difference! It tastes so good! And enjoy!!! Let me know how it went and how good it tasted! And yall it was so cheap to make!!!!

  And please please please go check out my facebook page! I now make Soaps and Natural Handmade Cosmetics! They are so posh, beautifully scented and made with local ingredients like lavender, mint, honey and more!!! Go check us out!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Just Like Home: Tex-Mex Enchiladas

Howdy y'all!
I am seriously, in tears writing this!
This recipe I am about to share is so good! I mean so good!
Thanks to the military, we are stationed in Northern California.
I am from San Antonio, Texas HOME OF AMAZING FOOD! 
(No, but seriously!)
I of course miss home like crazy! I miss being able to just go to a restaurant and eat delicious food that I am used too, so I have to experiment in my kitchen in order to eat certain delicious food here!
So, I experimented and made the BEST Tex-Mex Enchiladas!
Soooooooooo.........let's get started!!!!!

In order to achieve heaven in your mouth
You will need:
- 1 Small Package of ground beef or 2 Pounds of it
- 4-5 Tablespoons of Chili Powder (depending on how you like it)
- 1 teaspoon of Salt
- 2 Tablespoons of Ground Cumin
- 2 Tablespoons of Garlic Powder
- 3 Cups of Water
- 1/2 Cup of Flour
- PINCH of Sugar (seriously, the smallest pinch ever)
- 1/3 Cup of Vegetable Oil
- 2-3 Cups of Shredded Cheddar/American Cheese
- 1 Package of Yellow Corn Tortillas

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Brown the ground beef, until you no longer see pink. Once there is no pink showing, drain the liquid from the pan. Once drained, add in all the spices listed above. Stir that in and cook with the beef for like 20 seconds. Then, add the water and the flour. Whisk the water, flour and beef until the flour is well mixed. Let simmer for about 10-15 minutes on LOW heat. Mix frequently in order for the sauce not to clump. 
Once the sauce is done, set aside and add the vegetable oil to a small pan and let that heat up. Once it is heated up, add one tortilla at a time and fry it. Fry it enough so that the edges are somewhat hard. Then put the fried tortilla into a plate lined with some paper towels, so it can drain any excess oil off of the tortilla. Cook however many you want, preferably only 8-12.
Get a big 'ol Pyrex or any clear baking dish you have. ( I used a rectangular one and a pie one) And add a ladle full of sauce on the bottom, then one by one add a tortilla to it and add the cheese, and roll it nice and tight. After you are done rolling the tortillas, add the remainder of the sauce on top and sprinkle some cheese. Pop in the oven for about 10-15 minutes, and you are done!

 I hope Y'all enjoyed this recipe and will give it a go!
XOXO- Steph

Saturday, February 6, 2016

THE Perfect Cinnamon Bun!

Oh my! OH MY! Y'all seriously need to try this cinnamon bun recipe!
It is THE best!
The buns come out super fluffy, great texture, taste and consistency!
Absolutely amazing!

Alright! Now let's get started with that you will need to make these little buns of heaven!

You will need:
- 3 1/2 Cups of Flour
- 1/2 Cup Water
- 1 Packet of Yeast or 1/4 Ounce Yeast******
- 1/2 Cup of SCALDED Milk******
- 1/4 Cup of Sugar
- 1/3 Cup of Butter
- 1 teaspoon of Salt
- 1 Beaten Egg 

For the Filing, you will need:
- 1/2 Cup of MELTED Butter
- 1/2 to 3/4 Cup of Sugar  (Depending on how sweet YOU want it)
- 2 Tablespoons of ground Cinnamon

For the Glaze, you will need:
- 3 Tablespoons of MELTED Butter
- 2 Cups of Powdered Sugar
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
- 3 Tablespoons of HOT Water

****** Scalded milk: is when you put the milk in a pot and heat it on MEDIUM heat, until you start to see bubbles around the edges. But make sure you are constantly stirring because you do not want it to burn or stick. Remove from heat when you you see the bubbles to form around the edges, and let it rest for about 1 minute OR less. It will still be somewhat hot, but not too hot. It still needs to be able to be hot enough to melt the butter and sugar! Scalding the milk, will help "bread" rise beautifully and be nice and soft, fluffy and have a wonderful consistency.

****** Yeast: Is a tricky little thing! So delicate! Make sure that when you use yeast, to use WARM water. Let me repeat that...WARM water. Not hot! WHY? because it will literally KILL the yeast. If you do kill the yeast (you murderer!!!) I am kidding hah! but if you do kill the yeast, your bread will not, NOT rise. It will be useless. Now, the tip and trick I use is, I mix in TWO Tablespoons of Sugar, warm water and the yeast. I "pinch" the top of yeast with the water mixture, to mix the yeast and everything else. Now, turn on your oven to 350F. Let it sit in top of the warm stove, and turn on the two back burners and if you want, one of the top ones. This will help the yeast rise and foam up. YOU WANT THAT. Yeast loves the warmth! So keep it warm!

Alright, now that we cleared that out of the way. Please turn on the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit!In a small bowl mix in 2 Tablespoons of sugar, yeast and warm water. Let that sit for about 10 minutes until you see the yeast be nice and foamy on top, and set that aside. Now, in a large bowl mix in the sugar, melted butter, scalded milk, salt and beaten egg. Mix that until the sugar and everything else becomes one. Once that is mixed add two cups of flour. Mix that until it is smooth. Once that is smooth enough, add the yeast and remaining of the flour. Knead the dough on a flat surface until you have a nice stretchy ball. Add more flour if your mixture is still sticking to your hands.. now do not add too much flour because it will get dry. Place the dough ball in a well greased bowl. I used crisco, and rubbed it around the bowl and then added my dough ball, and covered it with plastic wrap. I then put the bowl on top of the warm stove and covered it with a towel. I let that rest for about 1 (one) hour. The dough has to rest, and double in size.

Once you get to about 10 minutes remaining, start to make the filing, and set aside. Once the hour has passed, push down the dough and take out all the air in it. Place it on a floured surface and start molding it and rolling it into a big rectangle. Tip: make sure you punch out all the air in it. And let the dough rest for ONE minute, if not it will be too elastic like and it will try to go back into its regular shape. Once you have the shape you desire, not to thick and not to thin, brush the butter unto the dough. Leave about one inch all around with no butter or sugar. Why? so when you roll it, it will stick together. Add the sugar and roll! Make sure you do not roll to tight because, once cooked the middle will pop out. 

Once rolled, cut it in half. Then cut the half in half. Once that is done cut the 4 large pieces in 3. So, in total you will have 12 rolls! Get a good size rectangular pan, and add some butter on the bottom. Add the rolls to the pan, put the cut side up. Cover them and let them rest on top of the warm stove again, for about 45 minutes. They will grow again. Once the 45 minutes have passed, put them in the oven for 20 minutes. NO more, no less! 

Start making the glaze and once it is somewhat cooled, add the glaze and BAM! you are done! I know, I know it is a long process but they are worth it!!!!

Hope Y'all liked them<3
XOXO, Steph!