Friday, April 24, 2015

Outfit of the day- Athletic gear!

Howdy guys!
Sorry I have taken a little time off of my blog to just focus on me for a little. 
I have had a rough year, and my anxiety and stress levels were way to high.
Thank you to those who still read my blog and actually want to hear from me! You are a trooper!
Any who, I have a little Outfit of the day  TODAY!
I think it is so fun to make something sporty, feminine and girly! This is my version of that! 
I hope y'all like it!
Since today my favorite basketball team plays..I figured, what better day to post it than today when it is GAAAAAAMMMEEEEE DAAAAAYYYYY!!!! 

Top: Academy Sports Store
Leggings: Tj Maxxx
Loafers: Target
Cardigan: Costco looooonnngggg time ago! 
Bracelet: James Avery
Spurs Bracelet: Homemade
Flower Ring: James Avery (thanks mom)
Wedding rings...ask the husband! lol 

Selfie with le husband<3 

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