Friday, April 24, 2015

Outfit of the day- Athletic gear!

Howdy guys!
Sorry I have taken a little time off of my blog to just focus on me for a little. 
I have had a rough year, and my anxiety and stress levels were way to high.
Thank you to those who still read my blog and actually want to hear from me! You are a trooper!
Any who, I have a little Outfit of the day  TODAY!
I think it is so fun to make something sporty, feminine and girly! This is my version of that! 
I hope y'all like it!
Since today my favorite basketball team plays..I figured, what better day to post it than today when it is GAAAAAAMMMEEEEE DAAAAAYYYYY!!!! 

Top: Academy Sports Store
Leggings: Tj Maxxx
Loafers: Target
Cardigan: Costco looooonnngggg time ago! 
Bracelet: James Avery
Spurs Bracelet: Homemade
Flower Ring: James Avery (thanks mom)
Wedding rings...ask the husband! lol 

Selfie with le husband<3 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Easy: White Chocolate, Raspberry Oatmeal

Have you ever wanted to "spice" up your oatmeal?
I know we like to make something bland, delicious! Therefor, give it a try!
I decided to play with stuff I had around my home, and came up with this delicious mixture!

Lets get started!
You will need:

-2.5 Cups of Oatmeal

-2 Cups of Milk.

-1 Cup of White Chocolate Chips

-1 Cup of Raspberries

******Any other fruit! May I suggest: Blueberries, Blackberries, Apples, Strawberries...etc.

Well, let me just say....I use the quick oats that cook in one minute, but you can use any kind that have or prefer. Now, you will add 2.5 Cups of oatmeal mixed with 2 cups of milk into a pan on low heat. You will keep the oatmeal and milk cooking for about 10 minutes or until it is nice and soft. Once the oatmeal is pretty much done, add in the chocolate chips. I say to add one cup, but you can use more or less if you want. Give it a good stir and let that cook for about another 2-3 minutes until the chocolate chips melt. I personally do not like to add the raspberries in the mixture when it is still hot, but that is just me. It just tastes weird for me! LOL but if you want...DO IT! Once that is done, serve it in a bowl and add the raspberries and mix it in there. I like to mix it until it the raspberries fall just tastes sooooo good! When I made this recipe, I had blueberries on hand and decided to throw them in there. Try it out, it is soooo creamy and delicious!

And we will like to announce our new puppy! His name is Luke! 

Hope you give it a try and you like it!